Signal vs. Noise: A Different Approach to Marketing
In the digital marketing arena, we tend to reject noise—those loud, irrelevant messages that disrupt and clutter inboxes. Instead, we send signals that captivate, challenge norms, and evoke emotions. Our magic formula is simple: Different, Not Better.
Better delivers bigger candles, candles that burn longer, but it doesn't lead to the light bulb. Better means improvement; Different changes the world. One is short-term thinking, the other creates a legacy. 
Different > Better
That's why we create branded websites and social media content with messages and visuals that demand attention. We speak with a human voice, focusing not on B2B but H2H—human to human.
Our golden rule: Respect the audience. Empathy trumps marketing cynicism, and a compelling story always beats boring facts and features.
While traffic data and demographics are crucial, what matters most to your customers is our genuine engagement with real people interested in our products and services. What are their problems? What are they looking for? This understanding always guides our process.
Let's silence the noise and amplify meaningful connections.
B2B Websites: It's Not About Pushing Data, It's About Messages That Matter
SILVERbac  (2021) Branded website for a patented technology that fuses silver particles into fibers and provides antimicrobial protection for various textiles, from hospital gowns to uniforms. 
EXPERTISE: Brand development, visual identity design, web development More here
Shawmut LLC  (2019) Engineered fabrics for the automotive industry. A fascinating company with a line of very sophisticated products. I learned a lot about what goes into textiles used in cars.
EXPERTISE: Brand development, brand message creation, logo design, web development More here
Leolo IT  (2020) Online campaign for AI-based database security services. Leolo IT is a software house in the data security sector and a dear client we have worked with for over two decades, from humble beginnings to where they are now, a leading Informix provider in Europe. 
EXPERTISE: Web development More here
Silverbac (2018) Engineered antibacterial fibers for sportswear, hospitality, and healthcare. An incredible product with the potential to revolutionize fashion and sportswear in particular.
EXPERTISE: Brand identity, logo design, web development. More here
Fractal Technology A young startup came to us and asked for a logo. We ended up developing not just that but also a beautiful brand identity, including a website that helped them get to the next level.
EXPERTISE: Brand identity, logo design, web development. (Site under construction)
B2C/eCommerce Websites
Kavana Health A CBD manufacturer and wholesaler. Kavana is a pioneer in the CBD business, a company that was involved in the legalization of hemp farming in Oklahoma in 2019. Today Kavana operates as a hemp farm and wholesaler of high-quality CBD oil. 
EXPERTISE: Brand identity, logo design, web development More here
CStreet Ventures came to us with nothing but a vision to launch a venture capital company that would target a very unique niche. After a few conversations and a nice lunch with the owners, we presented the company with a warm, human approach. The owners instantly loved the idea and allowed us to build the site based on that concept.
EXPERTISE: Customer experience, design, web development. More here
METROMAN The campaign faced the challenge that the product was perceived as something for "older dudes," and it would be difficult to attract a younger audience. After researching and a few brainstorming sessions, we found the claim that clicked: "From Bald to Bold" and helped us position the campaign for its intended audience. Again, an emphatic approach allowed us to come up with a solution that does not only deliver an attractive product but a product that comes with increased self-esteem as its core brand message: From Bald to Bold: MetroMan
EXPERTISE: Naming, brand development, logo design, web development. More here
Shugar Soapworks, a soap manufacturer in downtown LA, came to us for a website design. The brief was to replace a tired-looking existing site. The owner, Dan Shugar, wanted a modern and clean website yet showcased their products to potential customers in a captivating way. Along with the usual brochure styling and information, they also need some complex applications on their website, a shop that would allow purchasing seasonal gift boxes and other items. In addition, we launched a Social Media/PR campaign that attracted 70,000 followers in only three months. 
The project was so successful that the store sold out several times and had to be taken offline. 
We are currently in the process of restructuring the site to accommodate the increased traffic.
EXPERTISE: Customer experience, design, web development More here
Amauri USA found us on Google and commissioned us to create a clean and modern-looking new website for their high-end patio umbrella business. The brief was to create a “California” brand. We helped them build a site mostly with stock photos and superimposed product shots. We also created a product brochure and trade show material based on that photo material. It took us roughly three months to accomplish all this, starting with a visit to a warehouse in Orange County and the bold vision of the company founder, Josh Tung. The campaign is something I am very proud of. 
EXPERTISE: Customer experience, design, web development. More here
Santa Diablo homepage,  designed by Marc Posch
Santo Diablo Mezcal was one of our favorite projects last summer. After all, how often does it happen that a client comes through the door with a bottle of fine-crafted and barrel-aged Mezcal from the region of Oaxaca and asks us to create a brand for this baby? We developed the name “Santo Diablo,” designed a unique label with an artisanal flavor, and presented it with a sexy marketing campaign. Did I mention that we loved this project?
EXPERTISE: Customer experience, package design, web development (Site under construction)
Fleischmann Steakhouse & Weinbar A beautiful digital extension of a brand identity we created for an upscale steak and wine restaurant in Esslingen/Germany. The site's design closely followed the interior architecture's look and feel, presenting a warm, elegant, and inviting atmosphere. More here
EXPERTISE: Customer experience, logo design, restaurant branding, web development

Expand your leadership in tech, New Mobility, and hospitality. We bring clarity to your message, promote your services, and make your products look amazing. Well-designed products sell more. 
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