From Bald to Bold: Brand Identity and Website for MetroMan Hair Systems
This client came to us with an unusual project: How can we sell a hair restoration system (don't call it toupee!) for millennials, for men in their 30s or 40s? How can we change the perception of a product typically associated with older gentlemen, and how can we make it as attractive as hair extensions or fake eyelashes for women? First, we created a name that reflects an urban lifestyle: MetroMan. The logo and the overall visual concept were created to provide a hip and contemporary flavor using black-and-white imagery and a sharp two-tone icon. In addition, a video was developed currently in rotation at popular gyms in Los Angeles. 
A key message we developed was "Bald to Bold," which quickly became a battle cry for the campaign and helped to establish the product as something that boosts self-esteem. From the beginning, it was vital for us to present the product as a bold concept, as something that doesn't camouflage a flaw but rather presents an uplifting solution to a very common problem men of all ages face: Baldness. More about MetroMan
EXPERTISE: Brand development, naming, logo design, web design​​​​​​​
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