Kavana Health - a Leader in CBD Research And Product Manufacturing
In an industry just beginning to understand its place in the health and wellness world, Kavana Health is a leading CBD ingredient and product manufacturer in the Cannabis industry. We are proud to have been selected as their brand and marketing partner. Thanks to our team, in particular Jill, Cameron, and Ian, for helping me put this together.
I see it as my job to provide elegant and compelling visuals that support sales and actively engage in high-level strategic decisions that help our clients set the course for growth and expansion by building a strong brand. 
Marc Posch+Partner: We work with leaders, rebels, and visionaries in the technology and manufacturing sectors to create better products, inspire better processes and bring clarity to their message, all of which leads to better performance. To contact us, click here
Kavana Health Brand Identity,  designed by Marc Posch
Kavana Health Brand Identity,  designed by Marc Posch